Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!
Hooray! I am looking forward to meeting our new Crew!!
Our year will start a bit differently than in previous years. We will be starting the week of the 17th with an orientation to get students acquainted with our new safety procedures and their new Crew. The schedule will be as follows:
- Monday, August 17th - Orientation for Cohort A1
- Tuesday, August 18th - Orientation for Cohort B1
- Wednesday, August 19th - Orientation for Cohort A2
- Thursday, August 20th - Orientation for Cohort B2
- Week of August 24th - Hybrid Schedule Begins
- M/W - Cohort A in-person learning
- T/Th - Cohort B in-person learning
- Remote learning on days when not at school, including Fridays
A welcome letter with further details about the start of our year will be coming your way soon. Please be sure to check out the pages in this blog for some helpful information regarding this year.
I cannot wait to embark on this exciting adventure together!