We Are Crew!

For the first two weeks of school, students have been learning what it means to be Crew. 

Me Bags
We are continuing to work on getting to know our crew.  Each person in our crew brought in 3-5 items that represented a part of who they are and shared them with our crew.  It was exciting to learn more about each other and form new connections.

Marshmallow Challenge
Students learned the importance of perseverance through this collaborative activity where they had to build a free-standing tower out of spaghetti noodles and put a marshmallow on top. 

Creative Perspective 
I gave each student a plain piece of paper and asked them to change it in some way.  They chose to tear, fold, roll, crinkle, etc.  We then read the book, Beautiful Oops and talked about the importance of having a creative perspective in our thinking.  Students were then asked to turn their changed paper into something beautiful. 

Saving Sam
Students worked with their table groups to save Sam, the gummy worm.  Sam's boat capsized and students had to figure out how to get Sam into a life preserver and into his lifeboat.  However, they weren't allowed to touch him with their hands- they could only use the paperclips provided. Students learned the importance of communication, perseverance, and critical thinking during this activity. 

Drum Circle
In music, students worked hard to form a collaborative drum circle where each student had the opportunity to perform a solo during the performance.

Place Value Battleship
We kicked off our place value math unit with a hands-on activity playing Place Value Battleship.

Just Right Books
I brought in some books and students helped me decide whether each book was too easy, too challenging, or just right for me.  Students then had the opportunity to create a criteria list for each type of book classification and browse our classroom library to select a just-right book. 

Crew Norms
After spending a few days together as a new crew, students developed norms.  Students will be held accountable for following these norms throughout the year.  The crew also felt it was important to include our class pets (named by students): Bob the Blob, Bubbles, Blue, and Squeakers.

We Are Crew
Students continue to brainstorm what it means to be a crew.  We will continue this work together throughout our year. 

I'm looking forward to an exciting and fun-filled year getting to know each of your children.  As our crew saying goes, "We are Crew!  We all belong!" 

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