A Letter to Our Crew

*Click HERE to hear Miss Chelsea read the letter aloud or scan the QR code below:

Hi Crew,

It’s Miss Chelsea popping by to say a quick hello and let you know I’ve been thinking of you!  I hope that you were able to enjoy a restful and relaxing spring break filled with new adventures.  I’ve thought about each and every one of you over the break and I want you to know that I miss you tons!

I’m sure by now you’ve heard the news of the extended school closures happening across the state of Colorado. I know this can bring about a mix of emotions - maybe sadness, fear, excitement, uncertainty.  Whatever you are feeling is okay!  

Two of the feelings that I’ve been experiencing over hearing this news are heartbreak and hope.  I am heartbroken that I’m not able to see you in-person- to hear your stories, to see your smiles, to give you a handshake, hug, or high five as you enter our classroom.  On the other hand, I am hopeful. We live in an incredible time that allows us to use technology to collaborate and connect in new and exciting ways and now is the time to explore and embrace this new adventure together.  

I know each and every one of you and the light you bring to our Crew.  I trust and know in my heart that you are spreading your sunshine, making the world a brighter place each and every day.  It is because of YOU that our world will be a better place!

As I always tell you, my number one priority is to keep you safe.  The extended school closure is just one of the safety precautions that is happening all across the country and around the world.  Now, more than ever, is our time to show the Habits of Character. You’ve learned them and know what they are, now go out there and show them to the world.  

You have this amazing opportunity to teach others what the Habits of Character are through your words and actions.  You can demonstrate:

  • Respect by listening to your family and using your manners.
  • Contribution by doing your part at home, like cleaning up your dishes, helping your sibling(s), picking up your toys, etc.
  • Collaboration by working as a team to accomplish a common goal, whether it be during a fun activity, game, or schoolwork.
  • Courage by embracing the unknown as we figure out digital learning together.
  • Integrity by reading at least 30 minutes every day, completing your assignments, and always doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.  
  • Perseverance by pushing through the challenges and approaching each task with a growth mindset and giving your personal best effort.
  • Compassion by expressing gratitude to those who are helping keep us safe and to your family who might be experiencing some big changes.  Our world is in need of extra kindness right now. As you know, kindness is contagious!  

These are just a few ideas to get you started.  I am confident that you can think of many more ways to show and grow your Habits of Character!  I’m counting on you to be the positive change our world needs right now!

These next few weeks are going to be challenging, but if you show your Habits of Character and maintain a growth mindset, I know we can get through this together.  

We are Crew, not passengers.  If everyone does their part, we will succeed.  
We are Crew.  We are all in the boat together.  
We are Crew.  We help and take care of each other.
We are Crew.  We ALL belong.  

There is strength in unity.  Now is the time to BE Crew!

I care about each and every one of you.  I’m here, with you, every step of the way.  Know that no matter what the future brings, we will get through this and will come out as a stronger, more resilient Crew.  

I am so proud of you and am incredibly grateful to have you as my crew-mates!  

(Now put your hands in and say it with me loud and proud so everyone in your house can hear you…)



Miss Chelsea

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